Temporary issue with our scanning engine


The incident has now been resolved. Thanks for your patience.

Avatar for Patrick Craston
Patrick Craston

Our scanning engine provider has fixed the issue, we're now working through the backlog of scans.

Avatar for Patrick Craston
Patrick Craston

Unfortunately it seems like our scanning engine provider has still got a problem as scans are taking much longer to complete than normal. We've contacted them again and will update this page as soon as we know more. We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused and working hard to get this resolved.

Avatar for Patrick Craston
Patrick Craston

Our scanning engine provider has fixed the issue, we're just working through the backlog of scans.

Avatar for Patrick Craston
Patrick Craston

Unfortunately the problem has not been resolved yet.

Please be assurred that any scans started in our platform will start automatically, there is no need to restart scans from your side.

Sorry again, and we'll provide an update here as soon as we know more!

Avatar for Patrick Craston
Patrick Craston

We've confirmed with our scanning engine provider that there is a problem, they are working to resolve it. It looks like the problem is related to an AWS outage.

Avatar for Patrick Craston
Patrick Craston

Our scanning engine is currently experiencing issues, which means scans are taking longer to start and run than usual. We're so sorry about that. Please standby for further updates, and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.

Avatar for Patrick Craston
Patrick Craston
Began at:

Affected components
  • Intruder portal
    • Notifications
  • API